30 ianuarie 2011

Angels Deserve To Die

          "He is like poison. I fell for him this September. I just didn't know how much pain he would cause. I was so stupid. Now, he's like a disease, an incurable one. The more I want to forget him, the more I like him. When I want to ignore him, he is everywhere: on the hallway, near the bathroom, even behind my back. Others can't understand. They just go from one to another and don't care too much in a relationship. I have no relationship and I feel like my heart dies every time I see him. I worry about him, when he doesn't give a shit on me. I'm just a shadow and he is a star. At least for me. I would die for him, I would do anything for him to be happy and smile. He doesn't care. It doesn't matter what I do, he WON'T care. He just won't...I am nothing...I will always be."
            Un mic text scris la nervi. Azi, ma uitam in jos pe geam si ma gandeam cum ar fi daca as sari, daca as muri, daca n-as mai fi. Nu stiu ce fac, nu stiu de ce o fac. Nu mai stiu ce se intampla in viata mea pentru ca am pierdut sirul. Acum ceva timp am inchis tot ce simt pentru el intr-o cutiuta cu lacat. Speram sa pot sa uit de el, sa ma indragostesc de altii, dar se zbate sa iasa. Ce e iubire? Nu-ti place acolo? E cald si bine, nimeni nu te va rani pe tine, dar pe mine da. Cat tu stai acolo, pe mine ma doare. Posibil sa simt ceva si pentru altii, dar stiu ca probabil nu se va ajunge la ceea ce simt pentru tine. Nici macar nu stiu ce simt...
              I was a little angel. I fell in love with you. They threw me out of Heaven and now I'm all alone in the darkness. I'm cold, I'm scared, I don't know what to do and where to go. I deserve to die. I sinned. I'm sorry, but it is too late.
              PS: Yeah I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying!

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