Ghiciti cine revine in forta?! Eh, glumesc doar... Nu vreau sa va obisnuiti cu mine oferindu-va multe de citit. Ce-i drept, asta seara chiar am chef sa scriu, dar exista o problema: pot sa tin laptopul doar pe birou la incarcat si nu am chef sa stau pe scaun si nu stiu in pat cat o sa ma tina bateria. Ma enerveaza putin. Chiar as fi inceput o proza asta seara si e o minune, sa stiti! Nu prea am idei cand sunt fericita, asa ca ma mira putin ca mi-au venit astea (si nici macar nu e ceva pervers - oops!).
Vreau sa fac postarea asta pe blog, dar pe partea asta cam lasa de dorit imaginatia mea. Nu prea am multe de zis si nu vreau sa intru in probleme si sa-mi strict starea. Cred ca o sa incerc sa fac ceva scurt si repede, fara sa mai trec in Word.
" It was cold and wet in the park, but it didn't really matter. She was surrounded by the night and the beautiful sounds made by the trees. Her lips were wrapped around the filter of a cigarette, on which she sucked with such passion, you'd believe it was something with an incredible taste. But the truth wasn't. It didn't help much either. The quality was bad, the taste was worse and it slowly damaged her health. But she didn't care. It was all she had left: a whole pack and a diamond ring, which was now lying on the bottom of the lake. She threw it earlier, without giving it much thought. It was finally over and she was finally free. She could've sold it or something. The only thought she had on her mind was that the money would still have his prints on them and she didn't want anything to do with that man anymore. But no matter how much she tried to run, her body and mind were already tainted. His touch, his perfume, his everything...she could still feel them. Her lips still trembled waiting to be kissed by his own. Her body still arched as a ghostly hand caressed her sides. Cold shivers still traveled on her spine as fingers that weren't really there lingered more than they should on the inside of her thigh. She hated herself for those thoughts, but she couldn't really help it. He used to be a big part of her life. Maybe he never stopped. She wished he had. Thirteen years of being miserable in love had been enough. She turned a blind eye to so many things he'd done: cheating, drugs, violence, alcohol, lying. But there was one thing she couldn't ignore: love. She had gotten so used to his lack of attention and support, it became weird when he suddenly started noticing small things. He took care of her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. He bought her flowers and worried about her. He gave her his heart and that stupid diamond ring. He said he was done fooling around. She couldn't believe him, so she left. But then she found herself on that bench in the park...their bench, their spot. She found herself smoking his favourite brand of cigarettes. She found herself thinking about him and wishing he was there with her. She found herself staring at the phone vibrating in her hand and regretting she threw away the ring. She found herself answering. She found herself falling back in love...going back to him. "
S-ar putea sa fie cateva greseli gramaticale si nici fragmentul sa nu fie foarte bun, dar simteam nevoia nebuna de a modela ceva. Am energie si vreau sa imi gasesc o ocupatie, dar care (preferabil) nu implica ridicatul din pat. M-am plictisit de televizor, laptopul e pe moarte, nu prea mai am rabdare sa ascult muzica, mi-e frig, mi-e dor (si cred ca puteti sa va dati seama de cine)...
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